- God's Love Poured Out - Themes for Discussions
Faith & Life (Free PDF Download)
Eight themes for discussion are offered to assist in the process of discovering 'from the memory of the church' what has been accomplished by the Spirit, and to cooperate with that Spirit in helping to make it 'alive and active in the soul of each individual'. - Longing for the Holy: Spirituality for Everyday Life
Fr Ronald Rolheiser OMI. Twenty-Third Publications.
Ideal for small community faith sharing or individual reflection 'Longing for the Holy' covers different dimensions of contemporary spiritual life. It is for those who want to enrich their sense of the presence of God and develop a deeper spirituality. The Participant's Book contains twelve sessions with prayers, reflections, sharing questions, and stories from saints and contemporary people of faith. - Jesus, the Christ: Contemporary Perspectives
Brennan R. Hill.
Looks at the people and places in Jesus' time, then moves to a search for the historical Jesus, including the many areas of Jesus' life and mission: teacher, prophet, miracle worker, man of the earth, advocate for women, saviour, and liberator. Examines the main gospel stories about Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection, and illustrates how the early Christological doctrines developed. Each chapter ends with discussion questions and a list of suggestions for further reading. - Friendly Guide to the Resurrection of Jesus
Francis J. Moloney SDB. John Garratt Publishing.
Christians take it for granted that Jesus rose from the dead. How was this belief born? Once it was alive and central to the lives of the earliest Christians, how did they pass on their belief to following generations? - Jesus - an Historical Approximation
Fr José A. Pagola. Convivium Press. (555p)
A lively and passionate narrative of Jesus of Nazareth within the milieu of the first century, locating him in his social, economical, political and religious contexts based on current and accepted research. If you want even further depth the footnotes are a rich source of information on literally thousands of topics.
Review by Nicholas King SJ (tutor in Biblical Studies at Campion Hall, University of Oxford). - The One-Stop Guide to Jesus
A Lion Book publication. (127p)
This is a highly visual guide to the person of Jesus, his life, work and background. This book provides a simple overview of the social, political, religious and geographic background to the life and times of Jesus. This is not a theology textbook, but rather a magazine-style publication. For anyone reading the Gospels for the first time this book makes an excellent complementary/companion resource. - The Way of the Cross: The Path to New Life
Joan Chittister. Orbis Publishing.
Reflections on the Stations of the Cross provide a guide for all of us on how to overcome obstacles and direct our path to a life that is fulfilling. - We Believe in the Resurrection
Thomas H. Groome. Ligouri Press.
Our belief in the resurrection “means that the whole human family has been ‘raised up’ effectively and definitively with Jesus Christ. As the divine and human are at one in him, so, too, we can live in at-onement with God,” writes Groome. - Four Faces of Jesus
Virginia Smith. Ligouri Press.
Like a prism, the four Gospel portraits of Jesus refract the light of Christ in a manner that gives each a distinct coloration. The Jesus who emerges is a more complete image than any single narrative could provide. - The Incarnation: Why God Wanted to Become Human
Kenneth R. Overberg SJ. Ligouri Press.
Explores the ‘alternative’ view in Scripture of Jesus as present in God's plan from the very beginning of time. ‘God becoming human is not an afterthought, an event to make up for original sin and human sinfulness. Incarnation is God's first thought, the original design for all creation,’ Overberg writes. ‘The purpose of Jesus' life is the fulfillment of God's eternal longing to become human.’
- Fr. Barron: Who is Jesus and what makes him unique?
- Stations of the Cross
Liturgy Brisbane. - Stations of the Cross
Background and an on-line version. - Stations of the Cross
Based on those celebrated by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday 1991. - The Way of the Cross
Liturgy Brisbane. - Taking the Incarnation Seriously (pdf)
Fr David O'Malley SDB.

- Jesus' Mission (Audio CD)
Tom Wright (Bishop of Durham).
These audio resources contain recordings of lectures given in Brisbane during Bishop Wright's first lecture tour in Australia and provide a unique opportunity to listen to this outstanding scholar. - The Way of the Cross, Stations on Our Journey of Faith (DVD
St Anthony Messenger Press.
This program offers four different approaches to the traditional Catholic Lenten observance of the Stations of the Cross: spirituality, social justice, history and a video meditation on the stations. - Jesus the Way: The Path of Christian Discipleship
(DVD - 96min)
Three sessions includes Leader’s Guide with three detailed session plans, participant notebooks. - Seeking Jesus in His Own Land – Scriptural Pilgrimages (DVD)
Father Stephen Doyle OFM.
A Franciscan Communications DVD. Three segments:
- The Birth of Jesus (25 min)
- Jesus the Prophet (30 min)
- Jesus the Redeemer (45 min) - Disciple Short Term Bible Study
- Invitation to the New Testament (DVD)
Abingdon Press.
Leader’s Guide and Participant’s Book. - Jesus - The Christ (DVD)
(BBI e-Conference)
Talks by Fr Gerald O'Collins SJ AC, Rev Merrill Kitchen OAM, Dr Claire Renkin, Ms Phil Billington.
Topics: Jesus Fully Human; The Jesus I meet in the Holy Land; Jesus Truly Divine; Touching the Transcendent Christ through Art; The Cross and Resurrection; Mission of Jesus made real in Education