Sin and Forgiveness



  • Catholic Update Guide to Confession
    Mary Carol Kendzia (series editor). Ligouri Press.
    Concise understanding of what confession is and does for Catholics, and gives a step-bystep guide to participating in the sacrament. There is information on how to prepare for confession, prayers including the Act of Contrition, and other helpful tips for making the experience meaningful and life-enriching. This resource is ideal for anyone returning to confession, preparing to receive for the first time, or those who want to review the sacrament of reconciliation as they prepare a child for the sacrament.
  • Sacrament of Penance: Individual Reconciliation
    Liturgy Brisbane.
    A brochure people can keep and reuse.



Sacrament of Reconciliation
Kathleen Chesto. Twenty-Third Publications.
History and development of the sacrament of reconciliation--from Hebrew times to post Vatican II.
This presentation offers Catholic adults a better understanding of the valuable place of sacramental celebrations in today's world.