- Catholic Earthcare Australia
The ecological agency of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference. -
An urgent appeal for action
A short film by Catholic Earthcare.
- Jesus and the Natural World
Fr Denis Edwards. John Garratt Publishing.
For Christians, the deepest reason for this conversion is that we see the Earth and all its creatures as God's good creation, the creation that God radically embraces in the incarnation of the Word made flesh. Because of this, in 2001, Pope John Paul II stressed the importance of the change of mind and of life that he called 'ecological conversion'. After speaking of the way humans have devastated so much of the natural world, he continued: 'We must therefore encourage and support the 'ecological conversion' which in recent decades has made humanity more sensitive to the catastrophe to which it has been heading'.
Interview with the author: - Laudato Si’, Praise Be to You: On Care for Our Common Home
Pope Francis.
The encyclical on the care for our common home, mother Earth, Praise Be to You is at times ironic and humorous, and at others deeply inspirational, moving and challenging. You will never be the same after reading this ‘revolutionary’ letter to all the people of the Earth.
Download pdf - On Care for Our Common Home, Laudato Si'
Fr Sean McDonagh SSC.
This volume joins the full text of Laudato Si’ with reflections by Sean McDonagh, one of the foremost Catholic proponents of ecological awareness. Aside from reviewing the history of Catholic teaching and the environment, he elaborates on several of the specific themes in the encyclical - climate change, biodiversity, water scarcity, the threats to the ocean, and the crisis of food. He concludes with prescriptions about what must be done to turn the Pope’s vision into a program of effective action. - Praise Be to You: Laudato Si’ - Reflection/Discussion Guide
Bishop Peter Comensoli, Daniel Ang, David Patterson and Jennifer Skelly. Diocese of Broken Bay. (44 p)
A very user-friendly and attractive booklet on the Pope’s encyclical 'On Care of Our Common Home' (Laudato Si'). This downloadable book provides an overview of the sections of the encyclical, pertinent quotes, reflection/discussion questions and spaces for writing and journaling. PDF Download

- On Care for Our Common Home video series
Catholic Theological Union.
Short (4-6 min) videos on the Pope’s encyclical by some of the best CTU theologians.
Presenters include: Stephen Bevans, SVD, Edward Foley OFM
and Dianne Bergant CSA.
The series is available as video online and audio downloads.
Study Guide available (PDF).
CTU is also generous with its theology journal: New Theology Review – A Catholic Journal of Theology and Ministry. All articles are available online. An example is this recent article ‘An Echo in their Hearts: The Church in Our Modern World’ by Kristin E. Heyer. This article reflects on the relevance for today’s world of the last Constitution promulgated at Vatican II 'Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World' (Gaudium et Spes).