
For more information regarding the At Home with God’s People resource please contact:

Archdiocesan Ministries

(formerly known as Evangelisation Brisbane)

Phone: +61 07 3324 3440




We hope you have found this site, and the At Home with God’s People book, helpful.

Please contact us to provide feedback on either the book or the site. We are always working on improvements to the text so we would be grateful if you send us suggestions, e.g. discussion questions, or if you find errors in scripture references.

We are also looking for new resources on each topic listed on this site (‘Resources’ tab). If you have used a web site, book or DVD that was helpful please send us this information and we will review the material.

While the internet is a wonderful resource it is also dynamic and constantly evolving. If you discover that any of the links we have provided on this site are ‘broken’ or no longer relevant please let us know.

Thank you for your feedback and assistance for the ongoing development of At Home with God’s People.